*The book is in epub and mobi formats.
*The book seller’s page is in Polish. To purchase:
1. Click “Do koszyka”, meaning, “add to cart” highlighted in blue.
2. A pop-up will appear. Click “Przejdź do koszyka”, meaning, “go to cart”- which is NOT highlighted.
3. Click “Dalej”, meaning “continue”
4. To buy without creating an account, click “Kup bez zakładania konta”, meaning “Purchase without creating an account” – also NOT highlighted.
5. You must accept the terms by clicking, “Zaakceptuję regularnin serwisu”, meaning “I accept the terms of service”
6. Choose form of payment, “Płatność” – “karta płatnicza” means “credit card” option
7. Fill out the form: “imię” means “first name, “nazwisko” means surname/family name
8. Click/check the first box in order to receive the ebook immediately after payment. Leave the box below (faktura) unchecked, unless you need an official bill for Polish corporate tax purposes. You will get a regular receipt by email when you complete your order.
9. Optional: click/check the second box in order to receive a receipt as well
10. After filling out the form, click “Kupuję i płacę”, meaning “Complete payment”.
11. You will be redirected to the secured payment site (with instructions in English).
12. Check your email – you will receive 2 emails, one with the e-book, the other with the receipt. Click ‘pobierz’ to download your book.